YIN – An incredibly restorative, meditative practice. Hold each pose for 5-10 minutes at a time to open connective tissues and fascia. Beneficial for all ages.
HEATED YIN FLOW –A heated version of YIN, allowing your body to detoxify while resting in poses for 5-10 minutes at a time. Incorporating GENTLE VINYASA throughout practice to build strength.
HOT – One hour improv sequence inspired by the traditional postures. Room heated to 105 degrees at 60-70% humidity. A moving meditation beneficial for detoxification and calming of the mind.
SILENT HOT – A silent version of HOT, with simple, short cues to guide you into a musical meditation.
VINYASA FLOW - Awakened yet calm energy in body and mind. Active movement to breath. Sun salutations lead by flow sequence. Incredibly beneficial for strengthening and conditioning.
HEATED VINYASA FLOW - Awakened yet calm energy in body and mind. Active movement to breath. Sun salutations lead by flow sequence. Incredibly beneficial for strengthening and conditioning. Heated to 90 degrees.
ASHTANGA INSPIRED YOGA – Vigorous flow connecting asana and pranayama where the teacher adjusts and facilitates an improv practice based on the Ashtanga series.
HEATED HATHA YOGA – A slower paced practice holding asanas (postures) to increase awareness in your mind and body. Each posture is held for at least 5 breaths. Adjustments offered. Promotes strength, stamina, flexibility and balance. All levels. Heated Room set at 85 degrees.
HATHA YOGA - A slower paced practice holding asanas (postures) to increase awareness in your mind and body. Each posture is held for at least 5 breaths. Adjustments offered. Promotes strength, stamina, flexibility and balance. All levels.

RESTORATIVE – A type of yoga known for its relaxation and calming benefits. Holding minimal poses for a long duration of time with the use of multiple props. A single pose can be held 10 minutes or longer. A great opportunity to practice meditation.
KIDS YOGA- A gentle yoga practice geared towards kids and adults alike. Seasonal offering.

Llama Yama Yogi Membership
Llama Yama Yogi Seniors 55+, First Responders, Active Duty Military & Veterans
10-Class Pack